Problem Reporting in the Heart of Art Contest group

<3 Before you report any problem you must be sure about the basics of internet:
  1. Check connectivity with internet, Facebook through browser and our application. The last two needs login with your own FB account. If something is missing you cannot proceed.
  2. Refresh the page in order to see new updates.
  3. Be sure that your page is refreshed when you send new data to our website.
  4. Read our responses and follow the instructions.
  5. You may need to delete History data (cache, cookies) from your internet browser
When you report problems you must tell us all the above steps with details and photos if it is needed.
Additional steps:
  1. Check our top announcement in main group and see if there is something related.
  2. Check our posts in the main group.
  3. Check Your Status in our Portal in internet.
  4. Check our alternative portals.
If the problem persists:
  1. Write the history of the problem with events and dates. Write the Rules and the practices you refer to, in order to explain the problem. Give other examples if there are any.
  2. You must refer to specific items and terms, in order to avoid misconceptions.
  3. Give any alternative solutions you may have tried and give their results.
  4. What did you get from our portal or group?
  5. What did you expected to get?
  6. Check the above once more and if the problem is still there you can report it, by sending a message to the administrator.
<3 You can send photos if they are related to the problem only <3

How to visit our Portal and complete Forms

In order to visit our Portal , follow the steps below:

1) Use your internet browser and login to Facebook with your own account.

2) Use your internet browser and visit our Portal (Application) ( this is slower )

3) The first time Facebook will ask you to accept our Application.

4) The other times Facebook login will help you to enter the Portal.

5) In the Portal, you will see your name and a menu. The menu for mobiles is like Ξ , with 3 horizontal lines.

6) Visit all the Pages you see in the menu of the Portal.

7) Visit Your Status.

8) When you see red notes in Your Status, you must do the needed work.

9) If you are not a Certified Artist by our Group you will see in Your Status a small application form. Before you complete and send the form, prepare your Public FB Albums to show you and your artworks.

10) If you are a Certified Artist by our Group, you will see and must complete your Participation Form with many details and explanations, because we check Rule 1. Then click SEND.

11) The Portal will tell you if you did mistakes.

12) In few days, we will check your Participation Form.

13) We may ask for more details and explanations.  To avoid this, you must give all the details from the first time.


Participate for the Awards

In order to participate for the Awards you must have

  1. One post in the Group
  2. You must be a Certified Artist by our Group
  3. You must have an accepted Participation Form

If you are not a Certified Artist, check Your Status and you will see a small application form. Complete it and wait few days to be checked.

If you are a Certified Artists, check Your Status and you will see a Participation Form. Complete it and wait few days to be checked.

You have the right to apply few more times when your application is not accepted, or you can add more details in case you will be asked.

You can defend against our decisions, by sending a message to the Administrator, in any case you think that the examination is not taken into account Rule 12 and Rule 1 of the Group.

Instructions to Participants

1. Upload one photo of your artwork created by you

In case you have to change your post for a technical reason you can try up to 5 times. So, be careful.

You must not change the photo of your post, but you must change all the post. Avoid to change a post before it enters the group, because in such a case both of the posts will be deleted.

In the description of your post you must write:
1.1 Title of your artwork (if any)
1.2 Medium you use to create it
1.3 Size
1.4 Real name of the artist who created the artwork (We compare it with your Facebook name)

2. Become a Certified Artist by our Group

You must present yourself and your artworks with many photos in your Public FB Albums. You must give details in these photos in order to convince the visitors that you are a real person and a real artist.

Visit Your Status in our Portal.

If you are not Certified Artists, you can see and complete the application form. You will be informed about the results of the examination in the next few days.

You can apply for a limited times, so prepare your Public Facebook Albums very well, before you send your form. Check Rule 12 for instructions.

You must keep the needed information in your Public Facebook Albums all the time you want to be Certified Artists.

3. Complete Participation Form

Visit Your Status in our Portal.

If you are a Certified Artists, you can see and complete the participation form. You will be informed about the results of the examination in the next few days.

You can change the info of your participation from and a new examination will be done. So, be careful to give all the information from the first times. Check Rule 1 for instructions.

4. Visit “Your Status” every few days

You must visit Your Status every few days and correct any red notes you will see. “Your Status” page is updated only when you refresh (re-enter) the page.

5. Vote (with LIKE or any other REACTION) at least 10 other posts in the group, because you are a member of our Jury.

6. Jury Voting in our Portal is not taken into account for the time being. But you can vote. Have in mind that Jury Voting shows different posts to every visitor and new posts are added during the time. So, you must check every few days.

6. Do not call people for voting your post and do not monopolize the top of the group feed.

7. Check and respond to the comments, announcements and instructions of the administration.

8. Our software keeps your new post and deletes automatically the previous one. So, be very careful not to send new post in case you want to keep the existing one. If you don’t remember visit Your Status first.

9. If you like to participate in the Secret Contest you must upload your post and complete participation form. Your post must be clear from any rule violations. The first posts in ranking without rule violations are selected automatically. We may select more posts, but always must be sent by Certified Artists.

10. If you like to participate for the awards, you must have no rule violations. Posts with rule violations cannot take votes and their participants cannot give votes to others.

11. Secret Awards and Public Awards are given on the first Friday. On Saturday or Sunday we give the Public Awards. On Wednesday we give Special Awards. On the second weekend we inform our database, so you can easily find them from our portal. All the Awards are kept in our permanent gallery.

12. Do not monopolize the top of the group.

13. You must read the instructions every few days and tell us if you need more instructions.

14. Be careful with Rules. Any Rule Violations means no awards, except otherwise decided. The Rules are in the Portal and the description / info of the group. Read only the Rule you need each time. Don’t read all the Rules at the same time.

Rules for Participants

1. Only original artwork created by you is allowed. NO derivatives from photos or artworks of other people, except of private photos of your friends or your customers. You must have evidence to show the originality of your artwork.

2. You can UPLOAD only ONE photo of your artwork in the contest. The photo must show the artwork clearly. Don’t show other things or persons in the photo of your artwork.

3. Photography and Video Arts are not allowed.

4. The number of comments must not be more than 3 times the number of public votes (=LIKES)

5. The time your photo can stay on the top of the Group must not be more than 2% in 24 hours.

6. Advertisements are allowed only after the permission of the administrator.

7. Requests for votes are prohibited.

8. Keep the description of your artwork to the Title (if any), Size, Medium and Creator’s Name. Be careful with the spelling of the Name.

9. Pornography, politics and religion are not allowed.

10. You must vote at least 10 other artworks in the contest in order your artwork to become eligible to get awards. You must vote 80% of what you see in “Jury Voting”. You must vote in Secret Contest.

11. Enable Facebook Apps in your Facebook settings, in order to participate and vote in the group. Participants must enter in our Facebook Application.

12. Participants must have at least one Public Album in their Facebook with their real face together with tagged relatives and samples of their own original artworks with all the details and signature.

13. You must have the notifications of your photo activated and you must respond to the administrator’s comments.

14. Your artwork must have your signature and the signature must match your profile name. (This is not mandatory, if you have any other proof.)

15. Post with unique votes of more than 15% will be rejected. (Unique votes come from people who vote only one or very few artworks.)

16. People who send more than 3 copies or derivatives in different contest will be permanently removed from the group. If the copy is a photocopy then the removal will be immediately.

Please respect the group rules!

You are welcome to invite your friends.

Protect the rights of other artists.

Avoid to send copies from photographs or paintings that are not yours.

Artworks from private-photos sent to you by clients or friends are acceptable.

If the reference photo is taken by someone else and sent it to you for creating your artwork, mention it in the description of your post.

All the visitors and participant of the group have the right to send us any reference to show that someone may violate the originality rule.

How we proceed in The Heart of Art Contest

New Conditions

The votes on the Posts are publicly available and we don’t see any problem to show them like journalists in our Open Rankings. However we cannot give awards with that photos, since we don’t have the specific acceptance of the Participant as GDPR Regulation requires.

Now we don’t see the voters of the Open Contest and we cannot see the unique and strange votes.

On the other side our Secret Contest has your approval to use your photos and other personal data for the purpose of the Contests and works of the group and portal. So, we can give awards from the Rankings of the Secret Contests.

Another issue from GDPR is that the Participants must be at least 16 years old when they agree to our Terms and Relation. We need your help. Please report to us cases of younger people. Our policy is to reject younger people to participate in Contests, since the Contests are very time consuming and very competitive. We follow this policy from the very beginning of our group. We don’t give Rule 12 membership to young people. We don’t accept artworks done by young people even if that are posted by their mother or father. Please report to us any such insistence.

How we proceed

The first 2 weeks of the Contest will be for the completion and examination of the Participation Forms and Rule 12 memberships. The 3rd week we can start the Secret Contest.

During the 3rd week the group will be accepting new Posts but these will participate only for the Open Contest Awards, if they have completed participation forms and are free from any rule violation.

Posts sent during the last two days of the contest are kept in Pending Room waiting for the next contest.

We may give the Awards before the new opening. However we can keep the Secret Contest for some more days in the new Contest. For the time being, we decide to stop the Secret Contest 1 day before the opening of the new Contest as we did up to now.

So, we give Awards by Artists, Awards by Public and Special Awards based on the Rankings of the Secret Contest.We also give Open Contest Awards that are based on the likes and other reactions.

In case we have equal score in the Secret Contest Rankings we will use the Open Contest Rankings and of course the votes of those who accepted our Terms and have completed Participation Form.

If you like to participate in the Contest send your post and participation form in the beginning of the Contest and not later than the end of second week.

Vote in Open and Secret Contest  and support our participants.

Terms of Service and Our Data Policy

1. Terms of Service

When you accept our Terms of Service you can create a Relation with our Application, based on the identity you show in your Facebook Profile Page or with any other registration system our Application may have. With this acceptance and Relation you give us the Right to:

  1. See and use the public visible data of your Posts in the Group and Application.
  2. See the public visible data of your Photos of your Facebook Home Page.
  3. Keep your Facebook identity (Name, HomePage Url, profile_id) and your Application ID with other registration details.
  4. Keep a copy of the photos you send in the group in order to check them and create Awards.
  5. Use your photos posted in the Group or directly to our Application for Contests held on our Application and the Group.
  6. Keep Your Status in the contests.
  7. Use your photos in Secret Contest without showing your name next to them during the contest.
  8. Create and Publish the Awards with your name and the photo of your Artwork and publish them in the Group and our Permanent Gallery in Facebook.
  9. Check if you are a real Person and real Artist when you ask to be a Member of our Rule 12.
  10. Remove you from Rule 12 membership when you ask it or we decide.
  11. Remove you from the users of the Group and Application.
  12. Show your Rule 12 status in public.
  13. Show your Name and your Score to the Rankings of the Contests in Public View and keep the records of all the contests you participate.
  14. Accept your posts in the contests and show them in Public View.
  15. Reject your posts from the contests based on our acceptance rules and delete them at the end of the contests.
  16. Delete or Keep the data created for you in the Contests.
  17. Keep application login data for 1 to 3 months and store your Application identity in your browser for security reasons and better user experience.

With this Relation you keep all the responsibility of your posts and you clear the Group and the Application with all the Administrators from any claims against your posts.

2. Our Data Policy

Deletion of data after request (You can send Request for Data Deletions through chat. We will do it automatic in the near future.)

The data we create, and keep for you, can be deleted after your request. These data are:

  1. Membership of Rule 12
  2. Your Status of each contests including the Posts
  3. The Awards

Other Relations you can remove automatically is the removal from Group and or from Application. If you like to delete all your above mentioned data you must send us a request.

Be careful:

If we delete any of your data, we cannot bring them back. So, please be careful when you make such request. Have in mind any removal of such data affects existing or near future services.

People who may ask to be removed from Rule 12 may not be able to apply again.

People who may ask us to remove their old Your Status they will not be able to use a near future service that will give OverAll Ranking for Top 20 and Top 100 Awards.

People who may ask us to remove their Awards from our permanent Gallery and our records will not be able to get any official certificate from us about these Awards.

Reading of your data:

  1. You can automatically read your Membership of Rule 12.
  2. You can read the status of the current Post.
  3. We give you access to your Awards.
  4. We will give you access to the Status of your previous participations upon request. The data we keep are from the Contest No 41. We are not promise to have these data, since we may delete them accidentally or intentionally.

Any request for Reading, Deletion or Change of Data must be come from the same Account they have been created. If the old Account is removed we may not be able to identify you with any new records.

3. Intellectual Property

We take intellectual property rights seriously  and we believe they are important to promoting expression, creativity, and innovation in our community. You own all of the content and information you post on our Groups, Portals and Applications, and you control how we keep and use them. However, before sharing content on our platforms, please be sure you have the right to do so. We ask that you respect other people’s copyrights, trademarks, and other legal rights. We are committed to helping people and organizations promote and protect their intellectual property rights. We do not allow people to post content that violates someone else’s intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark. Inform us when you see any violation of  Intellectual Property Rights.

4. Facebook and Google Technologies

We use Facebook Technology in order to have Facebook Login. This gives the opportunity to Facebook to collect information about you.

So third parties, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons, and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from your websites, apps and elsewhere on the internet and use that information to provide measurement services, target ads as described in Facebook Data Policy. Any additional information is needed can be found in Facebook documents.

We use Google Translator in our pages, so you must read Privacy & Terms  of Google.

Since, we use these technologies, you must accept their terms in addition to our terms.

5. Storage and Processing Technologies

In order to make our work we use local and remote computers with different operating systems and many other utilities, according to our needs. We use two remote Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and two remote web hosting in several countries as below:

  • (web hosting in USA, Exclusive Hosting)
  • (VPS in Germany, Contabo)
  • (VPS in Germany,  Contabo)
  • (web hosting in Bulgaria, TrueHoster)

We keep files and databases on these sites.

In addition we use local and remote storage. We use GoogleDrive, OneDrive, Dropbox.

We don’t accept anyone of those providers to read our Data except for the purpose of the needed services. We don’t allow them to give our Data to anyone for any other purposes. We don’t sell the data to anyone.

With the acceptance of our Terms you accept the Storage and Processing Technologies we use too.